Contact: Vilis Inde / PO Box F, Marfa TX 79843 /
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A gallery in Marfa TX focussing on art by Chinati Foundation related artists and minimalist and reductive artists. Inventory includes prints by Joan Mitchell, Donald Judd, Roni Horn, Richard Long, Richard Serra, Vija Celmins, Brice Marden and others.
Cecilia Vissers / Blacksod Bay (diptych) / Donald Judd Multiple #1 (1967) & Copper chair (NFS)
The Gallery
The new gallery was designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune of Stockholm, Sweden. The concept of the design involves elongation of the exterior perspective, making the 115' long building feel longer. The interior, divided into a gallery, inner courtyard and residence, includes floating walls, etc. This is the first building by Claesson Koivisto Rune building built in the U.S.
Please click on the photo above for additional photographs of the gallery. (Please excuse the quality of some photos - Quick I-Phone shots with dim light source.)
Photographs by Åke E:son Lindman
More photographs and information about the architects and the conceptual basis for the design can be found at: